Sunday, May 29, 2011

JoMoPho is going coastal!

This week, my family and I are enjoying the sugary white beaches of Panama City. Besides being relaxing and completely feel-good, PCB also provides ludicrously beautiful photo-opps. In the 2.5 days that I've been down here, I've had to charge my camera's batteries twice. Of course, I'm a little uneasy about having my camera out and exposed with all this sand in the air, but I think it might just be worth the risk, because I'm getting some good shots (if I do say so myself). Gaze upon these from today.


 Seagull and beach-goers.

Beach flora and brokeh.
 Beach flora.

 Receding water.

 Our little setup.

"Scooter" the beach dog.

Monday, May 9, 2011

"That results in Poison Ivy..."

Right now, there's almost nothing I'd rather be doing besides lying in the grass, taking pictures of anything I see, and feeling warm. Being recently freed from the confines of "College: Spring 2011," I decided to do just that. Unfortunately, there are consequences for doing absolutely nothing all day, especially if one does nothing in the middle of large areas rampant with Poison Ivy.

Two weeks later, I am fully recovered and ready to do it again--but perhaps this time with long sleeves. These are some snapshots I took in my friend's front yard; I know some people consider these to be weeds, but they're still beautiful plants, and who am I to be a discriminatory florist? Wait, "florist" is already a word... Doesn't matter, all that does matter is that I have pictures of flowering plants to show you.

 I love black and white photos, but it almost seems like a waste of the vibrant colors of the flowers, so I decided to take all the color out of this one, since there wasn't much to begin with.

 Horizon shot.

 Purple flowers beside the fence.
